To lay down the procedure for operation of CYCLOMIXER of model CM101.
1.1 To lay down the procedure for operation of CYCLOMIXER of model CM101.
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This procedure is applicable for Quality Control department.
3.1 Junior Assistant/Senior Assistant – QC
3.2 Senior Executive – QC
4.1 Manager – QC
4.2 Asst. Manager – QC
5.1 Check whether the speed adjustment knob which is in front side of the instrument is kept in minimum position.
5.2 Switch on the instrument by pressing the three-way-switch provided in front side of the instrument to ‘I’ position.
5.3 Place the test tube or the suitable vessel containing the sample to be mixed on the rubber holder provided on the topside of the instrument.
5.4 Increase the speed of mixing by rotating the front side speed adjustment knob slowly and gradually in clock-wise direction and set it at optimum speed level. During this hold the vessel firmly.
5.5 Keep the vessel holding till the contents o the sample are thoroughly mixed.
5.6 Decrease the speed by rotating the front side speed adjustment knob slowly and gradually in Anti-clock-wise direction and set it at minimum position.
5.7 Take out the sample container and switch of the instrument by pressing the three-way-switch to the middle position.
Cyclomixer, instrument, adjustment, thoroughly mixed