To lay down the procedure for operation of millennium32 database backup.
1.1 To lay down the procedure for operation of millennium32 database backup.
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This SOP is applicable for quality control department.
3.1 Administrator - Millennium
4.1 Manager – QC
5.1 Hot backup procedure:
5.1.1 Select start button located on the left bottom corner of the screen. Select the option “Run…”. Run dialog box appears.
5.1.2 In the run dialog box, enter CMD and click OK. The command prompt window appears.
5.1.3 Enter the following command: C:> D:MillenniumScriptcs_hottape.bat Tape
5.1.4 Backup process initializes and continue until the backup is complete. Do not close the window while backup is in progress.
5.2 Cold backup procedure:
5.2.1 Select start button located on the left bottom corner of the screen. Select the option “Run…”. Run dialog box appears.
5.2.2 In the run dialog box, enter CMD and lick OK. The command prompt window appears.
5.2.3 Enter the following command: C:> D:MillenniumScriptcs_coldtape.bat Tape
5.2.4 Backup process initializes and continue until the backup is complete. Do not close the window while backup is in progress.
Note: All acquisitions will be shut down during the cold back, make sure that all instruments are closed during the cold backup.
5.3 Hot backup schedule:
5.3.1 On each working day at between 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM, except Thursday.
5.4 Cold backup schedule:
5.4.1 On each Thursday at 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM
6.1 Use 6 tapes for backup. Rotate the tapes in sequence. For example Monday through Sunday between 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM for hot backup and on Thursday between 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM for Cold backup as using the media listed in table-1. Make sure that backup process is not running during rotating the media.
6.2 Backup should be logged in logbook by name, time and date.
6.3 Containing media has label on it for backup period & authorized signatures.
7.1 Hot backup:
7.1.1 A backup in which the database remains running while the backup is performed. This type of backup is essential for an environment that operates 24 hours, 7 days a week. Also known as online database backup.
7.2 Cold backup:
7.2.1 A backup performed while the database is shutdown to ensure that no processes are active within the database. Also known as an offline database backup.
7.3 Backup:
7.3.1 The process of storing data offline to protect it from loss in case of mechanical failure.
database, millennium, coldtape