This article outlines the preparation and formatting of Standard operating procedure
1.0 Introduction
Standard Operating Procedures are followed in pharmaceutical companies to attain a quality product. It is a part of CGMP and GDP and written by subject matter experts.
It is defined as a set of written instructions which document a repeated activity that is intended to be followed by the employees in the organization.
Formulating standard operating procedures and using is an integral process of quality assurance process.
1.1 Objective
To formulate a procedure in preparation of an SOP
1.2 Scope
This procedure is applicable to all SOPs in the organization
1.3 Responsibility
1.3.1 Person in charge – HOD of the respective department
1.3.2 Monitoring/ supervising person – HOD QA or QA officer
1.4 Procedure
1.4.1 General
All SOPs should be computer typed
Font – Times new roman
Format – Format should be as per Annexure SOP/QA/002/1
Contents - Every SOP should have header, signature block and body
1.4.2 Header
It should be on all pages and should include company logo, name, address, concerned department
Font type – Bold
Font size – 16
Reference Number
Format – SOP/DC/YYY-Z
DC – Department code
YYY – Sequential numbering from 001
Z – Revision status starting from 0 and 1 and so on (Font size – 12, capital letters)
Reference number of the earlier version (Font size – 12, capital letters)
Effective Date
It is the date from which the SOP is put in practice
Format – DD/MM/YYY (DD- Date, MM – Month, YYYY - Year)
Date should be written with blue indelible ink pen
Review date
It is the date where SOP is revised
Format – MM/YYYY
It should be written with blue indelible ink pen
It is given for a maximum of 2 years from effective date
Page number
Format – X of Y
X – Individual page number
Y - Total number of pages
Font type - Capital Letters
Font size – 12
It should be clear & descriptive
Font type - Capital Letters
Font size – 12
Signature block
It should be below the header & on first page of SOP
Titles in rows & columns should be in bold letters
Other text – Normal letters
Font size – 12
Name & designation should be typed; signature & date should be in blue indelible ink pen
Prepared by
Name, designation, signature of the person, User department, who drafted SOP along with date
Verified by
Name, designation, signature of the person, User department, who verified the SOP along with date
Authorized by
Name, designation, signature of the person authorizing the SOP, HOD and DGM of QA along with date
1.4.3 Body
It should contain subject matter written in capital bold letters with a font size of 12
All the necessary steps are given in a sequence along with the instructions to be followed in order to achieve the goals of the process
It should be logically planned written with authoritative tense
The procedures should be user friendly which are easy to understand in understandable language/ English
Procedures should follow standardized terminology and should be to the point without unnecessary information
Abbreviation – This section should include the various abbreviations with their meaning
DC – Department code
PE – Personnel department
PD – Production department
MT – Maintenance department
QA – Quality assurance department
QC – Quality control department
ST – Store department
PU – Purchase department
HOD – Head of the department
QA – Quality Assurance
SOP – Standard operating procedure
DGM – Deputy General Manager
Annexure – This section includes the annexures that need to be included
Annexure – SOP/QA/002/1 – Standard Operating procedure
Reference – This section includes the reference documents list
Standard SOP format
SOP issuance logbook
1.5 Considerations in drafting SOP
1.5.1 General
SOPs should be in approved format
Each activity should have a SOP procedure given
Head of the department and the user should be consulted regarding the need for SOP for various operations and equipments
Engineering department and the user should be consulted when SOP for machine operation is prepared
Quality assurance should be consulted when SOP for validation, stability, calibration is prepared
SOPs should be in a language easy to understand and follow
1.5.2 Soft Copy
Soft copies of SOP should be controlled with a password on compact disk by corporate quality assurance department
Soft copy is stored in a separate folder as
Main folder – SOP
Sub folder – Department code like ST, QA or QC etc
Files – ANK/ PRSOP/ 001, ANK/ PR SOP etc
1.5.3 Master Copy
Hard copies of SOP should be stored with QA unit with original signature & red stamped “Master Copy” at bottom right side corner at each page
1.5.4 Controlled copy
It is the photocopy of the master copy and is controlled by quality assurance unit for issue to user department which is stamped at blue space at bottom side of every page with blue ink as controlled copy
Copying is prohibited
Stamp is accompanied by original signature and issue date of personnel in quality assurance in black ink
1.5.5 Issuing SOP
Controlled copy is issued to user department
When SOP is not legible or not displayable or distorted then it can be recalled
It can be recalled for review also
1.5.6 SOP Review
After 2 years from date of preparation SOP is reviewed. If any change is made in the SOP like in procedures or format then it can be reviewed.
Only two reviews can be done and the same is reprinted when no changes are made to the SOP
1.5.7 SOP Destruction
For an obsolete SOP a stamp as “obsolete” is marked in red ink and from the date of absolution it is preserved for 1 year
QA personnel destroys the SOP and records it with date of destruction
This is recalled and destroyed by shredding
1.5.8 Distribution Sites
SOP copies are distributed to the following sites
Personnel & administration, Production, Quality assurance, quality control, stores and engineering
Preparation and formatting of an sop, distribution sites, quality assurance, quality control, controlled copy,master copy , sop review