To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for process deviations (non-critical parameters).
To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for process deviations (non-critical parameters).
2.0 SCOPE:
The SOP describes in detail the method to be followed in case of process deviations (non-critical parameters).
The responsibility of reporting the process deviations (non-critical parameters) to Head of Production as per the SOP lies with the staff of the rank not lower than operator of the production department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the SOP lies with the Officer (Production), Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 The operator records the deviations during his shift in the batch manufacturing sheet and the supervisor records the same in the log book. The Block Incharge reports deviations to the Head of production, if the deviation is more than 8 hours at any particular step.
4. 2 The Block Incharge will investigate the problem and take necessary steps to rectify the same in future.
4. 3 The Head of Production will report the deviations to the Head of QAD once in a month. The Head of Production will carryout the trend analysis once in 6 months and prepares a report.
The responsibility of recording deviations in the batch manufacturing sheet and log book lies with staff of rank not lower than operator and supervisor respectively. Head of Production will give a report to Head of QAD once in a month and the report will be kept on record.
Process deviations,