To describe a standard operating procedure for sanitization of D.M water system and soft water system.
To describe a standard operating procedure for sanitization of D.M water system and soft water system.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for the sanitization of D.M water system (i.e. Treated Raw water tank, cation bed, anion bed, mixed bed, interconnected pipe lines) and soft water system (i.e. Treated Raw water tank, Softener, Soft water storage tank, interconnected lines and soft water transfer pump) to control the Microbial growth pertaining to its alert/action limits.
The responsibility of sanitization of the D.M water system and soft water system as per SOP lies with the staff of rank not lower than the chargeman.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Executive - Maintenance, Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Sanitization of D.M. water system :
4.1.1 Sanitization of D.M. water system shall be carried out with Formaldehyde water solution.
4.1.2 Fill the Treated water tank (Tank-44) with about 2000 L. of water and add 10 L. of Formaldehyde solution.
4.1.3 Switch on the pump (P-02) and start circulation of Formaldehyde water solution through D.M. water plant (Cation, anion and mixed bed).
4.1.4 Rinse the Treated water storage tank (Tank-44) inner faces with circulating water using Nylon braided hose pipe.
4.1.5 Circulate the Formaldehyde water solution for 8 hrs.
4.1.6 Drain the Formaldehyde water solution from treated water storage tank and D.M. water system through drain pipes.
4.1.7 Fill the Treated water tank (Tank-44), about 1000 L. of fresh water.
4.1.8 Repeat the steps 4.1.3 and 4.1.5, circulate the water for 1 hr. and drain the water from treated water storage tank and D.M. water system through drain pipes.
4.1.9 Again fill the Treated water tank (Tank-44) about 1000 L. of fresh water.
4.1.10 Repeat the steps no.4.1.8.
4.1.11 Collect the sample from sampling point No. SP-25 and send to Q.C. laboratory for presence of Formaldehyde traces.
4.1.12 Ensure the Formaldehyde traces absent, regenerate the D.M. water plant and collect the D.M. water.
4.1.13 If the Q.C. laboratory report shows the Formaldehyde traces present, repeat the step no. 4.1.9 to 4.1.12.
4.1.14 Total time required for sanitization is about 12 hrs.
4.1.15 Record the sanitization data in the register MTCE/Reg/018 as per Annexure-I.
4.1.16 Frequency :
Quarterly once ± 7 days.
4.2 Sanitization of Soft water system :
4.2.1 Sanitization of Soft water system shall be carried out with Formaldehyde water solution.
4.2.2 Fill the Treated water tank (Tank-44) with about 2000 L. of water and add 10 L. of Formaldehyde solution.
4.2.3 Switch on the pump (P-2) and start circulation of Formaldehyde water solution through Softner, Soft water storage tank (Tank-46) and Soft water transferring pump (P-14) at Soft water plant.
4.2.4 Rinse the Soft water storage tank (Tank-46) at Soft water plant and Treated water storage tank (Tank-44) at D.M. water plant inner faces with circulating water using Nylon braided hose pipe.
4.2.5 Circulate the Formaldehyde water solution for 8 hrs.
4.2.6 Transfer/Pump the Formaldehyde water solution to Soft water storage tanks
TANK-41 and TANK-73 at Block-II and Block-IV respectively.
4.2.7 Rinse the Soft water storage tanks at Block-II and Block-IV inner surfaces with Formaldehyde water solution using Nylon braided hose pipe.
4.2.8 Open the outlet valves of the Soft water tanks connected to the distribution lines and soak for 2 hrs.
4.2.9 Drain the Formaldehyde water solution from Soft water system, Soft water storage tank at Soft water plant and Soft water storage tanks at Block-II & Block-IV and also from user points/dead ends of the pipe lines.
4.2.10 Fill the Treated water tank (Tank-44), about 2000 L. of fresh water.
4.2.11 Repeat the steps 4.2.3 and 4.2.5, circulate the water for 1 hr and repeat the steps 4.2.6 to 4.2.9 with fresh water.
4.2.12 Again fill the Treated water tank (Tank-44) about 2000 L. of fresh water.
4.2.13 Repeat the steps 4.2.3 and 4.2.4, circulate the water for 1 hr and repeat the steps 4.2.6 to 4.2.9 with fresh water.
4.2.14 Collect the sample from sampling point No. SP-26 and send to Q.C. laboratory for the presence of Formaldehyde traces.
4.2.15 Ensure the Formaldehyde traces absent, regenerate the Soft water plant and collect the Soft water.
4.2.16 If the Q.C. laboratory report shows the Formaldehyde traces present, repeat the steps 4.2.12 to 4.2.15.
4.2.17 Total time require for sanitization is about 14 hrs.
4.2.17 Record the sanitization data in the register MTCE/Reg/018 as per Annexure-I.
4.2.14 Frequency :
Quarterly once ± 7 days.
The responsibility of recording the sanitization details in the register as per Annexures lies with the staff of rank not lower than the chargeman.
Soft water system, d.m water system, engineering