To lay down a procedure for spring-cleaning of microbiology lab.
1.1 To lay down a procedure for spring-cleaning of microbiology lab.
2.1 This SOP covers procedure for spring-cleaning of microbiology lab.
3.1 Lab. Assistant
4.1 Microbiologist
5.1 Put off all the instrument and cover them with polyethylene sheet.
5.2 Clean the area thoroughly including walls, ceiling, Doors and windows, light fixers with dry mop or vacuum cleaner.
5.3 Start the cleaning of rooms from critical to non-critical area.
5.4 Critical area includes, LAF room, Buffer room and change rooms.
5.5 After dry cleaning follow wet cleaning procedure as below.
5.6 Prepare the disinfectant solution as per the current version of SOP No. xxxxx
5.7 Take the disinfectant solution in two bucket. And mark the bucket as 1 and 2.
5.8 Enter into the LAF room through change room as per the current version
of SOP no. xxxxx
5.9 While cleaning dip the non- fiber shedding mop in bucket No 1 containing disinfectant solution and after each swab, squiz the mop in bucket no. 2.
5.10 Do not squiz the mop in same bucket where the disinfectant is present.
5.11 Clean the area with current disinfectant in use as per the following order,
5.11.1 Laminar Airflow room.
5.11.2 Buffer room.
5.11.3 Change rooms (change room II and change room I)
5.11.4 Media preparation room
5.11.5 Autoclave room
5.11.6 Pass box
5.11.7 Incubator room
5.11.8 Media discarding room and microbiology entrance area.
5.12 Complete the entire procedure of cleaning as per the sequence given in point no.5.5
5.13 After completion of cleaning discard the disinfectant solution.
5.14 Record the details in Microbiology lab spring-cleaning record as per Annexure-I.
5.15 Cleaning Schedule,
5.15.1 Once a month and after any maintenance activity related to facility in the lab
Microbiology, spring cleaning