To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for deviation from yield range for all products / intermediates manufactured
To describe a standard operating procedure (SOP) for deviation from yield range for all products / intermediates manufactured
2.0 SCOPE:
The SOP describes in detail the method to be followed for deviation from yield range for intermediates of all stages and for all the products manufactured
The responsibility of reporting deviation from yield range as per the SOP lies with the staff of rank not lower than operator of production department.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the SOP lies with the Officer (Production), Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Deviation from yield range will be informed by production staff of rank not lower than production supervisor to Head of produc tion and Head of QAD.
4.2 Head of production will investigate the reasons (parameters are furnished in annexure - I) for deviation and prepares a report. If reason for deviation is unidentified, he will instruct the production executive to keep aside 100 g of the material for further testing (if required). Head of production will inform to Head of R&D / PID, manager (QC) and Head of QAD, the devia tion from yield range along with his investigation report, once after the yield is known.
4.3 After receipt of report from Head of Production, Head of QAD will carry out independent investigation.
4.4 If reason for deviation is unidentified, Head of QAD alongwith Manager (QC) will carefully review the analytical profile of the material. If the impurity profile is similar to the normal batches, manager QC will give clearance to production manager/ Head of production to take the material for further processing. If the impurity profile is different from the normal batches, Head of QAD will ask Head of production to send the material to manager (QC) for retesting.
4.5 Head of QAD in consultation with Head of production, Head of (R&D) / PID and manager (QC), will advise the steps to be taken to control deviations from yield range if the cause of deviation is known.
4.6 If the product does not meet the approved specifications, it will be processed as per non-conforming product procedure
The investigation reports of Head of producion, and Head of QAD will be intimated to Head of R&D / PID and manager QC and will be kept on record.
Production, deviation, yield range