- Hot air Oven
- Laminar Air flow
- Spirit Lamp / Bunsen Burner
- Media bottles
- Glass slides
- Grams Stain kit
- Crystal Violet
Use commercially available solution.
If the above is not available prepare solution as follows.
Solution A
Crystal Violet 2.0 g
Ethyl alcohol 20.0 ml
Solution B
Ammonium Oxalate 0.8 g
Distilled water 80.0 ml
Dissolve crystal Violet in ethyl alcohol and the ammonium Oxalate in distilled water. Mix solutions A and B.
- Grams Iodine
Use commercially available solution.
If the above is not available prepare solution as follows.
Iodine 1.0 g
Potassium Iodide 2.0 g
Distilled water 300.0 ml
Dissolve Iodine and Potassium Iodide in distilled water.
- Ethyl Alcohol ( 95%)
Ethyl alcohol ( 100%) 95.0 ml
Distilled water 5.0 ml
- Safranin
Use commercially available solution.
If the above is not available prepare solution as follows.
Safranin ( 2.5% solution in95% ethyl alcohol ) 10.0 ml
Distilled water 100.0 ml
- Fungal Stains
- Water –Iodine solution ( As in grams Stain)
- Use commercially available solution.
If the above is not available prepare solution as follows.
Iodine 1.0 g
Potassium Iodide 2.0 g
Distilled water 300.0 ml
Dissolve Iodine and Potassium Iodide in distilled water.
- Safranin
- Isopropyl Alcohol
- Lactophenol cotton blue
- The morphological characters of bacteria shall be observed by two methods.
- Method A : Simple staining – Stain the bacteria using a single staining solution.
- Prepare the bacterial smear over the slide .
- Prepare the staining solutions (Crystalviolet, Methylene blue and Safranin) .
- Hold the slide using a staining tray.
- Cover the smear with Crystal violet or Methylene blue or Safranin for 30 – 60 sec.
- Wash the smear with Distilled water for a few seconds, using wash bottle.
- Allow the stained slides to air dry.
- Observe the smear under Low power and high power objectives of a microscope.
- Apply a drop of Chedar wood oil over the Smear.
- Examine the smears under oil-immersion objective of a Microscope.
- Make drawings for each Microscopic fields.
- Describe the size, shape and arrangement of cells.
- Most of bacteria come under the following Morphological categories.
.. .. .. …… :::. - - - - - | |||
Diplococci Strptococci Staphylococci Rods
- Method - B : Grams staining – Stain the bacteria using more number of staining solutions.
- Prepare the bacterial smear over the slide.
- Prepare the staining solutions (Crystal violet, Grams Iodine, 95% Ethyl alcohol and Safranin) .
- Hold slide using the slide rack.
- Cover smear with crystal violet for 30 seconds.
- Wash the smear with distilled water for a few seconds, using a wash bottle.
- Cover the smear with Iodine solution for 30 seconds.
- Add ethyl alcohol drop by drop over the Iodine solution.
- Wash off the Iodine solution with ethyl alcohol until no color flows down from the smear.
- Wash the smear with distilled water and drain.
- Cover the Smear with Safranin for 30 seconds.
- Wash the Smear with Distilled Water.
- Dry the Smear with a tissue paper.
- Allow the stained slides to air dry.
- Examine the slide under low power and high powder objectives of a Microscope.
- Apply a drop of Chedar wood oil over the smear.
- Examine the slides under the oil immersion objective of a Microscope.
- Draw the representative Microscopic fields
- Identify the gram reaction on the basis of color.
- Those bacteria appear dark blue or Violet described as Gram positive.
- Those bacteria appearing pink described as Gram negative.
- Describe the morphological shape, size, arrangement of cells and Grams reaction.
- The morphological characters of Fungi shall be observed by Lactophenol cotton blue staining
- Lactophenol cotton blue Staining :
- Place a drop of Lactophenol cotton blue on a slide.
- Hold the Inoculating needle with one hand.
- Light the Bunsen Burner/ Spirit lamp with lighter.
- Flame the loop at a 3600 angle into the upper core of the Bunsen Burner/ Spirit Lamp.
- Heat the loop till redness of entire wire
- Remove and allow it to cool for one minute.
- Take culture slant into other hand.
- Remove the plug in front of the flame with the little finger.
- Sterilize the mouth of the test tube.
- Insert the sterilized loop into a slant culture and touch over the surface growth, take a small tuft.
- Sterilize the mouth of the culture tube and replace the plug.
- Spread and mix the Mold cultures on the Lactophenol cotton blue.
- Apply wax to all sides of cover glass.
- Place the cover glass over the preparation present on glass slide.
Examine the preparation under Low power and high power objectives of a Microscope.