To lay down the procedure for maintenance of registers in quality control department.
1.1 To lay down the procedure for maintenance of registers in quality control department.
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This procedure is applicable for Quality Control Department.
3.1 Junior Assistant/Senior Assistant – QC
3.2 Executive – QC
4.1 Manager – QC
4.2 Asst. Manager – QC
4.3 Executive – QC
5.1 All the registers used in the quality control department shall be numbered.
5.2 One register shall be maintained for the inwarding of registers, which is called register of registers.
5.3 Registers shall be issued by Executive and above.
5.4 All the registers received shall be entered into the register of register with the following details.
5.4.1 Serial number.
5.4.2 Type of register.
5.4.3 Quantity received.
5.4.4 Register number allotted.
5.4.5 Page number (page number of issue details)
5.5 Stock card shall maintain as per the point No. 5.4.5 with the following details.
5.5.1 Serial number.
5.5.2 Register number.
5.5.3 Date issued.
5.5.4 Issued for.
5.5.5 Issued by.
5.5.6 Balance registers.
5.5.7 Remarks.
5.6 For the maintenance of balance stock shall be entered in the same stock card.
5.7 Every register at the time of issue detail as mentioned in the Format No. xxxxx shall be entered in the first page of every register.
5.8 All the stock registers shall be maintained under lock and key.
5.9 Analytical notebooks used in the Quality Control Department shall be as per Format No. xxxxx
5.10 Registers as per the Format No. xxxxx shall be used as inward register other than printed inward registers.
5.11 All the printed registers shall have the first page as book issuance format as per the Format No. xxxxx.
5.12 Numbering for the registers / equipment logbooks shall be as mentioned below.
5.12.1 XX represents last two digits of the current year.
5.12.2 RG represents registers / log books.
5.12.3 0001 sequential number.
Maintenance, registers, inward, mentioned, equential number