To lay down a procedure for operation and cleaning of Colony Counter.
To lay down a procedure for operation and cleaning of Colony Counter.
2.0 SCOPE:
This SOP is applicable to the operation & cleaning of Colony Counter in Microbiology laboratory.
Microbiologist : To perform the Operation as per SOP.
Head –Quality Control : To ensure the compliance of the SOP.
4.1 Operation:
4.1.1 Connect the plug to the main power socket and switch ON the power supply.
4.1.2 Connect the auto marker to the instrument from the left side.
4.1.3 Reset the inverted petri dish on the graduated glass plate.
4.1.4 Focus the magnifying lens. Reset the automatic counter, by pressing the ‘RESET’ button. The counter should read ‘0000’.
4.1.5 Remove the cap of the probe and touch the marking point of the probe on the petri-plate where a bacteriological colony is located. Press the probe gently. The counter will register a count with a beep as each colony is marked on the petri-plate. Continue till all the colonies are thus counted.
4.1.6Note the reading on the counter. Turn OFF the instrument by pressing the ‘POWER’ switch.
4.1.7 Keep the cap on the probe when not in use.
4.1.8 In absence of the marking probe count manually by marking each colony with the help of a marker pen.
4.2 Cleaning:
4.2.1 Clean Colony counter with a non-shedding duster dipped in disinfectant solution, daily after operation.
4.2.2 Record the cleaning in the “Usage and Cleaning Record “
4.2.3 Record the activity in Usage and Cleaning Record
Cleaning, microbiology, colony counter