To lay down the procedure for operation of compound microscope
1.1 To lay down the procedure for operation of compound microscope (BIO XL). Equipment identification No: XXXXX
2.1 This SOP covers the Procedure for operation of compound microscope.
3.1 Microbiologist
4.1 Department Head - Quality Control
5.1 Plug the power cord into the grounded 230 volts supply electrical source.
5.2 Put on the switch to start up the instrument.
5.3 Adjust the light intensity regulator to the lowest level and switch ON the power
5.4 Rotate the nosepiece and keep the lowest objective power in the viewing position so that the depth of the focus will be greater.
5.5 Move the stage to the fairly low position with the help of coarse focus knob.
5.6 Clean the stage surface from dust and grit and keep the slide over the center of the stage, use control knobs to locate the slide in desired position.
5.7 Look through the eyepiece and move the stage using coarse and fine focus knobs and adjust the diaphragm aperture to obtain the clear image.
5.8 Observe the image clearly and sharply by increasing the magnification.
5.9 If the oil immersion objective is in use, place a drop of immersion oil on the slide before placing it on the stage and then lower the objective lens (100 x) to touch the oil drop.
5.10 Make the field clear with the help of fine adjustment and then observe the slide.
5.11 Move the slide to left, right, upper and lower direction to observe the complete smear area with the help of slide stage screw and coarse adjustment.
5.12 After completion of observation, remove the slide, clean the objective lens and condenser with cotton soaked in xylene. Do not allow the oil to dry on the lens
5.13 Lower down the condenser and set low power objective back to position.
5.14 Enter the observed samples data and the observations in Equipment usage log format given in XXXXX annexure - I
5.15 Switch ‘off’ the instrument and cover it down when not in use.
Note: Clean the objective and eyepiece lenses using xylene after use.
Microbiology, procedure, compound microscope