To describe a standard operating procedure for servicing of expansion valve of refrigeration unit.
To describe a standard operating procedure for servicing of expansion valve of refrigeration unit.
2.0 SCOPE:
The standard operating procedure describes in detail the method for servicing of expansion valve of refrigeration unit.
The responsibility of servicing of expansion valve of refrigeration unit lies with the staff of rank not lower than the junior utility operator.
The responsibility of preparing, reviewing and approving the standard operating procedure lies with the Manager - Maintenance, Head of Production and Head of QAD respectively.
4.1 Start the compressor.
4.2 Pump down the compressor as per SOP CHANGING/ADDITION OF OIL OF REFRIGERATION UNIT.from 4.1 to 4.7.
4.3 Loosen the throttle valve of the expansion valve and slowly remove it.
4.4 Remove spring and injector.
4.5 Loosen and remove the clamp of power element bulb which is fixed to the return gas line of the chiller.
4.6 Remove the bulb from the clamp.
4.7 Using 30/36 double end spanner slowly remove the power element from the expansion valve.
4.8 Loosen and remove the bolts provided for the fixing of expansion valve to the chiller.
4.9 Slowly remove the expansion valve from its position.
4.10 Clean the holes of the valve using an alpine or binding wire.
4.11 Replace the defective power element assembly with new one.
4.12 Fix the expansion valve unit to the chiller and liquid line.
4.13 Fix the power element assembly to the expansion valve and the assembly bulb to the return gas line of the chiller.
4.14 Place the injector, spring and spring support in the expansion valve and fix the throttle valve of the expansion valve.
4.15 Open all the valves of the compressor viz., liquid line valves, discharge gun valve and suction gun valve.
4.16 Carry out leak testing with soap solution.
4.17 Rectify the leaks of expansion valve by tightening.
The responsibility of recording the breakdown in the history card lies with the staff of rank not lower than the maintenance supervisor.
Refrigeration unit, engineering, liquid line